Texas Equine Veterinary Association

Summer Symposium Edition The Remuda 2024

Texas Equine Veterinary Association Publications

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Brought to you by the Texas Equine Veterinary Association • Register Online at: www.texasequineva.com Name_________________________________________________ Clinic, University, or Company Name________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________City____________________________________State________Zip________________ Phone_____________________________________Cell_____________________________________Email_____________________________________________ Registration Options Price Registration Covers: Materials, Speaker Fees, Welcome Reception, Lunch on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and All Breaks. PLEASE CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: FIRST TIME TEVA ATTENDEES Free One-Year TEVA Membership with Meeting Registration (Valued at $720) $425 REGULAR SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION Membership Required $425 SENIOR AND RETIRED REGISTRATION Over 65 or Retired from Full-Time Practice Membership Required $225 SINGLE DAY REGISTRATION Membership Required $250 6) VETERINARY STUDENT REGISTRATION *For non- volunteers only. Membership Required $50 7) VETERINARY TECHNICIAN REGISTRATION No Membership Required $150 SATURDAY CE PROGRAM OPTIONS: Some of the wet labs will be limited in size. If the lab you are requesting is full, we will put you on a waiting list and contact you if a space becomes available. *NEW*: There will be lectures at Will Rogers on Saturday if you choose to forego the wet labs. SATURDAY MORNING SESSION 1, I WILL ATTEND (Select One): 8:00AM–9:50AM LAB 1A: Cardio Respiratory Assessment with Sonography in Horses (CRASH) and Equine ECG Rhythm Analysis LAB 1B: Methods for Analysis and Processing of Stallion Semen for COOLED Storage Prior to Insemination and Recovery of Epididymal Sperm for Preservation LAB 1C: Methods for Analysis and Processing of Stallion Semen for FROZEN Storage Prior to Insemination and Recovery of Epididymal Sperm for Preservation LECTURES: 8:00-8:50am: Joe Pluhar, DVM, MBA - Operations Eat Culture For Breakfast 9:00-9:50am: Joe Pluhar, DVM, MBA - Current State of Student Debt SATURDAY MORNING SESSION 2, I WILL ATTEND (Select One): 10:00AM–12:00PM LAB 2A: Hour 1: CardioRespiratory Assessment with Sonography in Horses (CRASH) LAB 2B: Methods for Analysis and Processing of Stallion Semen for COOLED Storage Prior to Insemination and Recovery of Epididymal Sperm for Preservation LAB 2C: Methods for Analysis and Processing of Stallion Semen for FROZEN Storage Prior to Insemination and Recovery of Epididymal Sperm for Preservation LECTURES: 10:00-10:50am: Noah Cohen, VMD, MPH, PhD, DACVIM-LA - Passive Immunization Against Rhodococcus equi 11:00-11:50am: Noah Cohen, VMD, MPH, PhD, DACVIM-LA - Update on Macrolide - and Rifampin-Resistant Rhodococus equi - Epidemiology and Treatment 69 | REGISTRATION FORM R A C E A P P R O V E D 2 0 . 5 H O U R S + T E C H N I C I A N T R A C K 2024 SUMMER CE SYMPOSIUM 2024 SUMMER CE SYMPOSIUM August 1 August 1—3 F O R T W O R T H , T E X A S

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