Texas Equine Veterinary Association

Summer Symposium Edition The Remuda 2024

Texas Equine Veterinary Association Publications

Issue link: http://aspenedgemarketing.uberflip.com/i/1522623

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Bringing rapid on-site PCR is easier than you think. Validated • Fluxergy brings cutting edge point-of-care technology to your clinic. • Our assay performance is compared to the gold standard. 2 • Third-party protocols validated through UC Davis are available upon request. Profitable • $50 per assay • 30-day risk-free trial • Complimentary 10-pack See profitability with as little as one assay-run per week. Support-Driven Our customers have access to: • Daily review of your results by Fluxergy team experts. • Industry expert assistance in operationalizing your biosecurity program. Simple Four easy steps to get you the answers your clients need. "With Fluxergy's POC testing, I can take what was a 10+ day cleaning process for a positive Salmonella patient and turn that into a four-day process due to a 24 hour environmental PCR turnaround. This means I don't have to turn away new patients because I can turnover stalls faster. Looking at the cost savings with the Fluxergy test, saving six days means we're able to make a minimum of $840 revenue per stall that would've been otherwise closed pending reference lab results." DR. BEN BUCHANAN DVM, Diplomate ACVIM, Diplomate ACVECC Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals — TX "We've really enjoyed working with Fluxergy. We feel like it's been a good partnership where our concerns have always been met… people pick up the phone for us all the time when we're having trouble and they've offered a lot of support as we're using their products." DR. LARAMIE WINFIELD DVM, DACVIM, cVA, CVMMP Steinbeck Peninsula Equine Clinics — CA "Since adding the Fluxergy system to our practice, we've been able to enhance our biosecurity and confirm confidence in our disinfection protocols, allowing us to have more stalls readily available for sick horses in less time." DR. JILLIAN MINUTO DVM, DACVIM Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center — AZ Let us buy your team lunch while we chat. Want to learn more about how Fluxergy's System can benefit your practice? CONTACT US 949-305-4201 sales@fluxergy.com Here's what vets have to say about Fluxergy Scan to book a consultation Available Assays: With more in development EHV-1 1 Strep. equi ss equi 1 Salmonella: Environmental 1 This Fluxergy product has not been cleared or approved by the USDA for veterinary diagnostic use, and is limited to use as individual laboratory components by experienced professional users in developing their own laboratory tests for research or animal use. 2 Applicable to Environmental Salmonella only.

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